Monday, November 17, 2014


           Hoildays!!!!!                                                                                        November 17, 2014

 Holidays are a great time of the year for all the family to sit around the fire, have smores, hot cocoa, great food, talk about what your thankful for, relax, and enjoy the company of the ones you love.

            Im thankful that this year for the 1st time in a long time that me, my sister, and my brothers all get to spend the Thanksgiving holiday together. Its nice knowing that ill have a house full of people.
Ill be doing the majority of the cooking and baking. The house will be filled with the smell of food, all the baked pies and cookies, the laughs from all the kiddos playing and running around, the adult conversations and the best part will be seeing all the joy on everyone's face's. Im excited and cant wait for this day. As it gets closer i get more impatience with the joy it has brung me already.

          What are some things that you are thankful for at Thanksgiving time?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Planner Addicts

Planner Addicts                                                                                                 October 8th 2013

                              We as planners take ALOT of time sitting down, thinking and jotting down our days/weeks/months ahead of us. I sometimes ask myself why do we as woman/men do this? Is it because we want a perspective on life? Do we really need to see that far ahead in advance? So as I sit here and write this, I ask myself this question and then I answer it. Yes I do need to see ahead of time. It helps me know what I will/will NOT be doing on a certain day. This helps me plan a schedule to have free time/dinner dates with the hubby/family day. So when you do your thinking/planning whats the reason why?